release: Sarajevo Film Festival, August 2023
Feature documentary
Serbia, Slovenia
Director: Nemanja Vojinović
Produced by: Marija Stojnić, Nemanja Vojinović for RT Dobre Nade (SRB)
Co-produced by: Viva Videnović for URGH! (SLO), Set Sail Films (SRB)
On the outskirts of Belgrade, Serbia, one of the biggest unsanitary landfills in Europe spreads across the remains of the ancient Vinča civilization - a former archaeological site of the European Neolithic. Plastic bottle collectors aka ‘Bottlemen’ make a hard living from this toxic landscape; but now their vibrant community is facing a new and bigger threat.
Bottlemen is a homage to a vibrant, essential and yet largely invisible community, as well as an eco-western and a stark contemplation of where our society is headed.
World sales: Taskovski Films Ltd.

Sarajevo Film Festival - Documentary competition, 11-18 August 2023
world premiere, The Heart of Sarajevo for the best documentary film -
Zurich Film Festival 2023
Cottbus Film Festival 2023
Festival dei Popoli 2023 - Premio dei Distribuzione CG
Verzio Doc Film Festival 2023
Ex Oriente film workshop, 2018
Sheffield Doc/Fest, Meet Market, 2019
DokLeipzig, Dok Preview Training, 2019
Agora Docs in Progress 2021 (2/35 Post-production company award)
Rough Cut Boutique Sarajevo FF 2021 (IDFA Spotlight Award and Cat&Docs Award)
Radio Television of Slovenia